Welcome to Aries Season: A Time of Renewal and Balance
Mar 18, 2024
As we bid farewell to the dreamy waters of Pisces, we step into the vibrant flames of Aries season on March 19th. This transition ushers in a period of fresh starts, bold initiatives, and renewed energy. Aries season is a call to action, inviting us to ignite our passions and pursue our goals with newfound vigor. All of this is coming with some pretty challenging Astrology though. No need to be alarmed, but definitely a gentle reminder to tread carefully and thoughtfully. Aries season is kicking into full gear with an eclipse on March 25th AND April 8th, all smack dab with Mercury in Retrograde. So don’t be surprised if The Universe throws ya a few curve balls here and there. All good though, because each challenge strengthens our resilience. The challenges we will soon experience in this new astrological year is a test, asking us to put to use all of those balancing and alignment tools we’ve gathered over the years.
The Equinox: A Balanced Beginning
The Equinox not only marks the start of Aries season but also symbolizes a moment of balance between day and night, light and darkness. It's a potent reminder of the equilibrium we strive to achieve in our lives. As we embrace the fiery energy of Aries, let's also remember the importance of balance and harmony. The upcoming South Node Eclipse in Libra will definitely bring us closer to that.
Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Revisiting Balance
The South Node Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th brings a significant focal point to this season. This celestial event asks us to revisit and reflect on the ways we create balance within our relationships and our inner selves. The past astrological year has equipped us with tools for finding equilibrium. Now, it's time to put these tools to the test, refining our approach to harmony and connection. It’s important to note that Eclipse energies are destabilizing, not a good time for any manifestation rituals or anything like that. Save that for a New Moon. Eclipses ask us to compassionately sit with the uncomfortable conversations we may be avoiding.
Aries Season Horoscope by Rising Sign
As we navigate the vibrant energy of Aries season and the reflective lessons of the Libra Lunar Eclipse, here's a glimpse into what this period holds for each rising sign:
Aries Rising:
Embrace leadership and independence. This is your time to shine and pursue personal projects with confidence. However, the Lunar Eclipse calls for mindfulness in partnerships. Seek balance between self-assertion and cooperation. This is a good time to revisit the areas in your life where you might need some help! And hey, Aries, IT’S OK TO ASK FOR IT! Please do. You have a team of support just waiting for you to ask.
Taurus Rising:
A period of introspection awaits you. Aries season ignites your spiritual sector, urging you to connect with your inner self. This is a good time to finesse your relationship with God, Source, the Creator. A moment for prayer in solitude. The Eclipse highlights the need for a balanced approach to health and daily routines. How can you invite a little more sweetness into your morning routine? Look at what is taking up the most space in your day-to-day activities. How can you recommit yourself to your mental, emotional, and physical health?
Gemini Rising:
Your social circle takes center stage. Engage in community and network expansion, but the Eclipse in your creativity and romance sector asks you to evaluate these areas. Do these communities feel right? Do they serve you? Are your creative aspirations aligned with your highest timeline? What brings true harmony to your life?
Cancer Rising:
Career and public image receive a boost. It's time to advance professional goals this Aries season. Perhaps it’s time to freshen up the resume or step into your version of entrepreneurial energy. Meanwhile, the Eclipse emphasizes home and family. Finding a work-life balance is key during this season. Yes, our purpose in career is an important aspect to feeling whole and complete but so is our family, whether it is biological or chosen. They ground us, bringing us closer to the feeling of HOME.
Leo Rising:
Exploration beckons, Leo. Dive into learning and travel. The Eclipse, however, highlights communication. How do your words and ideas contribute to or disrupt balance?
Virgo Rising:
Transformation and shared resources are highlighted. Aries encourages bold financial moves, while the Eclipse in Libra calls for a balanced approach to personal values and self-worth. How is your ability to provide resources a reflection of your Self? Do you extend the same hand to YOU? Is your ability to give conditional on how much you can receive?
Libra Rising:
Relationships and self-identity are in focus. This season is gonna bring a complete personality overhaul. It’s time to remove those masks, to become more embodied, balanced, and authentic to who you want to be. The Eclipse in your sign underscores this theme of balance in ALL relationships, including the one with your Self!
Scorpio Rising:
Health and service are the themes for you. Energize your daily routines, but pay attention to rest. The Eclipse asks you to find a spiritual balance, looking inward for guidance.Your Higher Self carries the keys of your spiritual enlightenment.
Sagittarius Rising:
Creativity and pleasure are yours to explore. Indulge in your passions, but the Eclipse in Libra suggests examining your social connections. Are they in harmony with your true self? Have you grown out of them? Perhaps it’s time to spread those wings, to explore avenues of connection that feel more aligned with who you are growing into! Take the class, book the ticket, find the community.
Capricorn Rising:
Home and family life glow with warmth. Embrace domestic projects, but remember, the Eclipse in your career sector asks for consideration of your work-life balance. Where is MOST of your energy going? Do you find yourself consumed with task after task without being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor? Remember love, it will all get done. And the quality of our work is reliant on our capacity to show up balanced in ALL aspects of our lives!
Aquarius Rising:
Communication is key this season. Share your ideas boldly, we need them! But the Eclipse encourages a deep look at personal beliefs. Are they serving your quest for balance? In a world that grows more deeply into contrast, we need a beacon of light to guide us through. THAT is very much YOU my love. It’s not about right or wrong, it’s about justice. How can we realign our beliefs to one that serves ALL.
Pisces Rising:
Financial insights and personal values take the spotlight. It's a great time for economic initiatives, but the Eclipse urges a balanced approach to resources and self-esteem. There is no lack of resources, there is just a lack of perspective here. Swimming in your swamp can only get you so far. How can we keep our head above the water here? Your value and capacity to care for the world around you is contingent on your capacity to care for yourself. Treat yourself kindly my love. We need your hope!
As we embark on this astrological new year, let's lean into the dynamic energy of Aries season, mindful of the lessons in balance the stars lay before us. May this time bring you growth, courage, and harmony in all endeavors.
Wishing you so much love,
Daníel Colón (cOlOrMEcrAZy)